Tutup saringan box kontrol saluran air

fungsi sebagai pengendali laju air hujan.

Material saringan air :
Besi tuang
kemampuan produksi besi saringan air 1000 Pcs/bulan
desain custem.

Besi Tangkapan Air Mampu Menahan beban 80 ton

Berikut contoh besi saringan air yang sudah terpasang :

1. Besi Grill ukuran 60cm x 60cm

  • Fungsi Sebagai saringan air

  • Material grill besi tuang cast iron

  • Ukuran panjang grill 60cm

  • Ukuran lebar grill 60cm

  • Tebal 4 cm

  • Jenis Heavy Duty

  • Load Max 40 ton

  • Berat 80 kg

  • minimal order 10 Pcs.

  • Merek Ortega Sakti

2. Besi Grill ukuran 50cm x 60cm

  • Fungsi Sebagai saringan air

  • Material grill besi tuang cast iron

  • Ukuran panjang grill 60cm

  • Ukuran lebar grill 50cm

  • Tebal 4 cm

  • Jenis Medium Duty

  • Load Max 8 ton

  • Berat 50 kg

  • minimal order 10 Pcs.

  • Merek Ortega Sakti

3. Cover Grill ukuran 60x40x40

4. besi tutup saluran air limbah

Pelayanan terbaik dan produk berkualitas tinggi, sangat puas dengan hasil peleburan baja dari Ortega Sakti.

Budi Santoso

A person is working with metal tools on stone steps, likely crafting or shaping a metal object. Several other individuals are present, some seated and possibly using mobile devices. The background shows a street or market setting with a variety of fabrics and goods hanging and displayed, and people walking by.
A person is working with metal tools on stone steps, likely crafting or shaping a metal object. Several other individuals are present, some seated and possibly using mobile devices. The background shows a street or market setting with a variety of fabrics and goods hanging and displayed, and people walking by.
A laser cutting machine is in operation, emitting bright sparks as it cuts through a sheet of metal. The machine's head is positioned above the sheet, and intricate patterns are visible on the metallic surface. The scene is well-lit by the intense light of the sparks, highlighting the precision and industrial nature of the process.
A laser cutting machine is in operation, emitting bright sparks as it cuts through a sheet of metal. The machine's head is positioned above the sheet, and intricate patterns are visible on the metallic surface. The scene is well-lit by the intense light of the sparks, highlighting the precision and industrial nature of the process.
